Friday, February 25, 2011

Have you seen me?

Hi again!

SO, I have a small dilemma that maybe you can help me with? I hope so. In sorting out dads photographs I have come across a few bands I don't recognize. I thought that this one was Silverhead, Michael Des Barres' band of the early 1970's and was so excited that there were so many photos of them, and really well framed clear ones too! Not until a few samples were scanned sent on to dad, and compared to pictures of the actual Michael Des Barres did I realize this wasn't him, or them, Silverhead. Do you guys know who this band is?

Here's one of the lead singer of said band, with two lovely lady friends after the show. The one on the right is very familiar to dad, but he doesn't remember her name. Help! 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love notes part deux

So, I wanted to post the valentine, and I wanted to post these letters, and then I couldn't find the watermarked  letters in the little browser box thingy, then I realized it was a quarter till midnight and if I wanted the damn Feb 14th date stamp I would have to post the freaking thing for it still to be a timely valentine. Well, you know how it goes, or you don't cause I'm a little more...distracted by shiny things then other people? So, anyway now you get two posts back to back so quit your confused looks! Here are the love notes I promised.

Dad was here when these were discovered, he actually gave the model releases to me quite a bit before that but for whatever reason it took me months to really examine them, and turn them over... SO! this is one of dad's model release forms for Iggy Pop:

I have several of these and it never occurred to me to turn them over, and then one night I did and discovered this!: 

It's a letter titled "Rock Scene" (was sent to Rock Scene? Was it a magazine?), and in the upper right says: "Miss Pamela" and "Arizona Shim". It reads: 

"Dear Richard and Lisa, thanks for all the pictures and print. What are you doing these days? I have been writing plays and acting them out, and running around a lot. Love Iggy
P.S. Here's a pic of me and Miss Pamela at the Whiskey to see my friend Aynsley Dunbar play with Journey. Don't she look cute?"

Isn't thins amazing?! I was blown away! How great to find out that not only did Iggy write to people, he included pictures! He just went up a cool notch (as if it was even possible for him to be more cool). I do not have a picture of Iggy and Miss Pamela, so maybe this was a practice letter and he sent the real one with the picture? He must of course mean the fabulous groupie deluxe Pamela Des Barres when he says "Miss Pamela". 
I don't believe this is a photo my father took however, so I don't have a copy(I am still going through negatives though, so, it could be possible). Can you imagine? Going to see Aynsley Dunbar play with Journey? To  have the amazing Pamela Des Barres for your date? How cool! I mean if you're Iggy Pop, you probably don't think about it, cause you're Iggy Pop, and already cool. 
The model release on the other side is dated August 12, 1974.   

Mad flipping of all the other model releases ensued and we then came across this! : 

The top says: "Me running and Kicking" and reads: 
"Hi Creem - 
Whatcha been doing? I've been on a wild rampage. 
P.S. send my love to the "Scorpions." Here is a picture of me in training for our next gang war. Iggy (it's scratched out) Iggy (scratched out again)

So this one is for Creem Magazine, I think it's funny that he asks what it's been up to. Unless it says Carm?...
I also do not have a copy of this photo. It's a shame too cause I'm dying to see it, Iggy, training for a street fight! Hot. (Yes, I just said hot, yes I realize no one has said hot since Paris Hilton all the way back in 2008. But, I mean it literally, not in the bored passive way she did). This one is also dated August 12, 1974.

So, another great find! I love these! I love that Iggy Pop wrote people. This is getting to be a pretty interesting. 



Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines and Love Notes

Hi. It's me. I'm back...

This is the Central Scrutinizer...The WHITE ZONE is for loading and unloading only...if ya gotta load, or if ya gotta unload, you go to the WHITE ZONE. You'll love it, it's a way of life.

OH! Hi, I didn't realize you were there. So, I'm back. I know we missed Christmas and New Years, but those are all busy and boring. Busy with all kinds of boring things. We don't really even like Christmas around here much so instead, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Here's a Valentine from my 16 year old father! Just for you! a whole 15 minutes before Valentines is over on the west coast!